Ukrainian Refugee Health & Wellbeing: Bridget's Garden

Excursion to Bridget's Garden for Ukrainian Families Living in Galway City

Date: To be confirmed

Location: Bridget's Garden, Pollagh, Rosscahill, Co. Galway

Bridget's Garden is regarded as one of the most picturesque gardens of Ireland. The garden is set within 11 acres of native woodland and wildflower meadows. 

Visiting families will enjoy refreshments before setting off a guided tour of the sun trail, the ancient ring fort, kids' nature trail, thatched roundhouse and crannóg and the calendar sundial.

Guests will have tea, coffee and refreshments upon arrival. 

Fun activities will be provided for children, while adults can enjoy an hour long guided tour of the gardens. An interpreter will be on site.

Lunch will be provided @ 12:30 pm, before families can enjoy free time in the garden. 

Transport to and from the garden and lunch will be provided.

To express your interest in participating, please visit

This programme is funded through the Department of Health Ukrainian Refugee Health and Wellbeing Support

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